NanoTess Catalytic Solutions
Improving Healing through Catalytic Innovation
Every person will experience a wound at some point in their lives and everyone deserves the peace of mind knowing they will heal. Unfortunately, 1 in 4 families has a loved one who has difficulty healing or is prone to complex wounds. This challenge of healing is referred to as the silent pandemic of complex wounds and is the focus of NanoTess’ flagship technology, NanoSALV Catalytic Advanced Wound Care Treatment Matrix.
NanoSALV Catalytic was awarded the 2023 CAN Health Innovation of the Year Award and signifies a major advancement in wound care and skin health. This patented catalytic technology has transformed healing for a wide range of conditions including post-traumatic wounds (i.e., skin tears), chronic wounds (i.e., venous stasis lesions), burns, post-surgical wounds, and several dermatological conditions. A provincial evaluation conducted by Alberta Health Services and the University of Calgary’s W21C research team, sponsored by the CAN Health Network, validated the healing, usability, and cost benefits of this technology. NanoSALV Catalytic revealed excellent results across a diverse, real-world patient population, showcasing that this technology could improve wound healing by ~57.6%, reduce wound care costs by ~46%, and improve mental health and quality of life for patients and their families in comparison to currently available best-in-class technologies.
Partnering with the Community
Alberta long-term-care centers (LTC) have lived up to their innovative healthcare values, becoming early adopters of NanoSALV Catalytic. Leading the change are Carewest and The Brenda Stafford Foundation, both of which had sites participate in the CAN Health Network and, Alberta Health Services provincial evaluation of the technology. Today, NanoSALV Catalytic can be found at every site across their organizations.
“By introducing the NanoSALV technology, we’ve been able to decrease pain in our residents. We’ve been able to decrease the longevity of the wound. We’re finding that our residents are much more empowered to wake up and get out of bed in the morning and go to the dining room for their breakfast, because their wound really isn’t letting them down anymore,” an LTC Director of Care says. NanoSALV Catalytic has helped thousands of Canadians heal. Each day, additional locations including hospitals, pharmacies, and dermatology clinics across Canada are integrating NanoSALV Catalytic into their wound care and skin health practices. Although, NanoTess can’t tackle this widespread health challenge alone.
How You Can Help End the Silent Pandemic of Wounds
NanoTess is asking for your help to create awareness for wound care and skin health. This global health challenge is increasingly common in seniors and individuals with diabetes, but it is often not spoken about openly. Many new NanoTess team members are now being asked how NanoTess’ technology can support a relative or friend who they have just discovered has been impacted by this challenge. So, ask your loved ones if they have trouble healing or a persistent skin challenge. No matter the answer, you have positively contributed to an important dialogue to end the “silence” of the pandemic of wounds. If their answer is yes, please encourage them to connect with a healthcare professional and reach out to the NanoTess team to see how NanoSALV Catalytic may support their healing journey (, or 587-322-4490).