Hemp & Cannabis
Hemp is the same species as cannabis but has low levels of THC. Hemp is grown specifically for industrial or medicinal use.
Hemp is used for a variety of products like making ropes, textiles, clothing, shoes, food, paper and bioplastics. There are also hemp seeds which can be eaten raw or sprouted. Hemp oil is cold-pressed and is high in unsaturated fatty acids. Hemp is used for clothing as it makes your clothes stay clean for longer periods of time. It also requires less time to grow hemp compared to cotton. It also produces 3 times more fiber than cotton on the same land. Hemp also requires less water to grow compared to cotton, which saves a lot of water. Hemp plastic is another form of hemp usage. Door panels of certain cars such as Bugatti and Mercedes Benz use hemp fiber as it’s lightweight and biodegradable.
In Alberta, the federal government has given 2 grants that total to $900,000 for the hemp industry. The hemp industry will make the agriculture sector larger which create more jobs and opportunities. Over 40% of Canada’s hemp is grown in Alberta particularity southern Alberta.
Cannabis is also known as marijuana, weed or pot. It is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant. Cannabis was legalized in Canada on Oct 2018. It is the 2nd country in doing so and the first G7 and G20 nation to legalize marijuana.
Over 40% of Canada’s hemp is grown in Alberta
Cannabis is also known as marijuana, weed or pot. It is a psychoactive drug from the Cannabis plant. Cannabis was legalized in Canada on Oct 2018. It is the 2nd country in doing so and the first G7 and G20 nation to legalize marijuana.
Marijuana has the psychoactive ingredient THC that responds to pleasure and releases dopamine. Marijuana is used for medical purposes for severe and long-term diseases particularity for chemotherapy. It can be used for Huntington’s disease, Inflammatory Bowel Disease, Multiple sclerosis, neuropathy, Parkinson’s disease, and Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PSTD).